We have received a positive response from coastal and maritime tourism SMEs across Europe following our call for applications.
The Consortium Evaluation Committee completed its evaluations in June 2023, and we have compiled a list of selected SMEs by country, sorted alphabetically for transparency.
We thank all those who applied and congratulate the chosen SMEs for their successful proposals.
We look forward to the forthcoming collaborations and projects in this sector!
IKAT Tourism Call for SMEs in Europe – Financial support for services
The IKAT’s main objective is to contribute to achieve in the updated tourism strategy, proposed by the European Commission, following the conclusion reached by the Parliament and the Council pre-post pandemic for the ecosystem of the European tourism industry, a focus on tourism, maritime and coastal, in the Mediterranean Sea. Also, to build an initial Consortium and establish a democratic, agile, and flexible working and decision-making methodology that will allow the development of actions to support the tourism ecosystem in the short and medium term.
More specifically, this call aims at facilitating and supporting SMEs to carry out their innovation activities.
The target audience of the IKAT Tourism Call for SMEs in Europe – Financial support for services are SMEs in the maritime and coastal tourism industrial ecosystem.
The main sub-tourism sectors are: ports and marinas; services to recreational and sport boats; manufacture and sale and purchase of recreational and sport vessels; charter and maritime excursions; coastal tourism and water sports activities, and services to coastal tourism and water sports activities.
Participate to win in the IKAT Tourism Call for SMEs in Europe – Financial support for services are SMEs!

Find out how to participate!
The IKAT services targeting SMEs in the coastal and maritime tourism sector aim to provide solutions that address and are in alignment with the priorities of the European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism, as well as to recover pre-pandemic Gross Domestic Product (GDP), contributing to re-establishing broken value chains, collaboration and increasing the resilience of tourism SMEs.
The IKAT EUROCLUSTER establishes a supplier catalog by type of service. This catalog is developed based on the expertise and quality of the suppliers demonstrated by testimonials, previous work funded through European projects or previous work with at least one of the IKAT partners and the location of these suppliers in the IKAT countries and EU-13 countries.
We are looking for SMEs in the tourism sector that want:
1) Activate diversification towards new products and services
2) Accelerate and grow new ideas
3) Apply open innovation to your business
4) Promote the green and digital transition in your company, as well as improve cross-cutting aspects such as gender, CSR, among others.
5) Improve your options to obtain financing in investment rounds
6) Improve the internationalization of your company
7) Improve your knowledge and training regarding previous challenges and improvements.
In conclusion, SMEs who need support to participate and develop their production, innovation and internationalization activities.
How to participate?
Register in the platform, fill and upload your proposal.
If your proposal is selected we will reach out!
Good luck!